New Town Mayor and Council Elect

Last night at the November 8th town council meeting our new Town Mayor and Council Member elect were sworn in to their terms of office. We would like to say congratulations to Mr. Tom Spangler, Mayor of Narrows and Mr. John Mills, Council Elect, welcome to our...

November Council Meeting

11/8/2021 7 pm Narrows Town Office Council Chambers Stream meeting live here: Download/Print Agenda 21-11-08-AgendaDownload

Town of Narrows Comprehensive Plan Survey

We encourage you to complete this survey to help guide us for future growth and improvement to our town. Paper copies of the survey are available by request at the Town Office and the Iris Brammer Public Library.An online version of the survey can be completed at...

October Council Meeting

10/11/2021 7pm Narrows Council Chambers Council Agenda pg. 1Download Council Agenda pg. 2Download You can watch the meeting live on youtube at the following link.

Narrows Town Council Meeting

8/9/2021 7 pm Narrows Town Office Council Chambers 21-08-09-Agenda-1Download Watch meeting live on Youtube at the link below.