Discover Narrows
Brush Chipping Service
The Public Works Department has adopted a schedule of chipping limbs and brush that are left curbside. Limbs shall be no larger than six inches in diameter and shall be placed butt first towards the curb. On Friday of each week, the Public Works Department shall chip brush and limbs in accordance with the block schedule utilized for weekly cleanup.
Brush and limbs will not be disposed of that contains nails, wires, or any such material that may damage the chipper. In order to accommodate more residents, chipping will be held to 30 minutes per address per fiscal year. (July 1st~June 30th). ChippIng may occur longer, depending on the amount of requests from residents. A list will be maintained in the Town Office of all residents that have received their free 30 minutes of chipping service.
A fee of $1 per additional minute will be charged after the initial free 30 minutes of chipping have been used (minimum of $15). An invoice will be sent to the property owner for any additional time used. Unpaid balances will be added to Real Estate taxes and will prevent future brush chipping for the property owner until the invoice is paid. Brush chipped on a certain property will be charged to that property’s account.
The sharing of time between properties will not be allowed. Citizens needing to have brush chipped must notify the Town Office to arrange for this service. Yard waste will still be picked up and disposed of by the Public Works Department if bagged and placed on the curb.
All policies and procedures described above are set forth in the Narrows Town Code and are approved by the Narrows Town Council. Therefore, no variances from these standard practices will be made by Town staff.
Discover Narrows

Narrows is located in Giles County, Virginia
Virginia’s Mountain Playground ™