October Council Meeting

10/11/2021 7pm Narrows Council Chambers Council Agenda pg. 1Download Council Agenda pg. 2Download You can watch the meeting live on youtube at the following link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y17XYEJyiqk

Narrows Town Council Meeting

8/9/2021 7 pm Narrows Town Office Council Chambers 21-08-09-Agenda-1Download Watch meeting live on Youtube at the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQbcNmkgUy8

July – Narrows Town Council Meeting

7/12/2021 meeting agendaDownload Please note that July’s town council meeting will be called to order in the Lower Shelter at the Narrows Town Park beginning at 6pm. Town Council will recognize the NHS academic and sports teams from this school year. Meeting...