Discover Narrows
Comprehensive Plan and Current Town Budget
The council members and Town Staff are committed to providing the best service possible to the citizens of Narrows. They diligently work to continue to strive to make Narrows a better community. In order to do this most effectively, each year council determines a Town Budget.
Click on the link below to view the current Town Budget.
Narrows also developed a comprehensive plan in 2023. The purpose of a comprehensive plan is to provide a basis for assisting the Town in promoting an optimal development pattern, given existing constraints and opportunities. The comprehensive plan serves as a framework for the long-range allocation of resources to meet identified needs. The plan is general in nature and considers the physical, social, and economic factors that interact in the Town. This document contains a statement of goals and objectives designed to stimulate public interest and responsibility.
Click on the link below to view the Narrows Comprehensive Plan
Discover Narrows

Narrows is located in Giles County, Virginia
Virginia’s Mountain Playground ™