"Everyone Goes Home"
Narrows Fire Department

Core Values- Who We are
Commitment– Through loyalty to our self, our department, and our community.
Brotherhood– We are a family within our department that is trustworthy with one another and has each other’s back at all times.
Pride – We take great pride in the culture created by our membership past & present, and it is our honor to continue that on.
Strength– Through constant hard work and drive to be the best.
Mission Statement-What We Do
It is the mission of our members to always be examples of the highest moral character within our community, while providing the most exceptional protection from fire and other related hazards.
Vision Statement-Our Goal
It is our vision to always provide the most efficient, safe, and aggressive fire service operations possible while ensuring that everyone goes home.
Narrows Fire Department Activity Building Schedule Rates
$50.00 – Three Hours or Less
$75.00 – Half Day
$150.00 – Whole Day
Discover Narrows

Narrows is located in Giles County, Virginia
Virginia’s Mountain Playground ™