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Non-Household Trash Service
In an effort to better serve our citizens, the Town’s Street Division provides a weekly non-household trash pickup service. However, this service is provided on a call-in basis only. A customer needing this service should call the Narrows Town Office at 540-726-2423 to have their name placed on the pick-up schedule. The service is performed each Friday, and customers need to contact the office by no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday in order to ensure the service will be performed the same week. Any customers contacting the office after that point will be placed on the following week’s pick-up schedule.
This service is provided free of charge by the Town. However, customers wishing to have tires disposed of will need to visit the Narrows Municipal Office to pay a small fee before the items are picked up. Please note that construction debris, contractor debris, and hazardous materials (ex. paint cans) will not be picked up by Town employees.
All policies and procedures described above are set forth in the Narrows Town Code and are approved by the Narrows Town Council. Therefore, no variances from these standard practices will be made by Town staff.
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Narrows is located in Giles County, Virginia
Virginia’s Mountain Playground ™